Club Talk : Harbour Authority.

Published 17:04 on 9 Sep 2023
What do your Harbour Authority 'License and Mooring fees' help to pay for?
Presentation by Cardiff Bays Harbour Masters Andrew Vye-Parminter and Tim Gifford.
Wednesday 27th September 19:00 for 19:15.
Upstairs Bar.
This presentation will give members :
- A bit of a behind the scenes explanation on what they are required to do as a Statutory Harbour Authority. (Why they do what they do and the way they do it).
- Some background information on why the Barrage was built.
- Locking operations.
- Environmental updates, River Flows, Bay Level Regulations.
- Marine incident reporting mechanisms.
- Question and Answer
Last updated 13:39 on 7 December 2023