Motor Cruiser Compound Rules : Cardiff Yacht Club
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Compound Rules

Cardiff Yacht Club Compound Rules

Effective November 2021 and subject to periodic review.


1. How to request a lift out:

Please fill out an application form, available from the compound office, and submit it to the Compound Master who will allocate you a provisional date. The compound crew will do their best to accommodate you, but please be mindful that demand often exceeds capacity and you will need to wait your turn. Sometimes the compound crew need to respond to urgent requirements, which can affect the waiting list.

2. Please be considerate towards the compound crew and other members at all times. If you treat them with respect, then you can expect to be treated in the same way.

3. The boat remains the responsibility of the owner at all times, including while in the slings and while on the stands. You should satisfy yourself that your boat is safe. The compound crew are very experienced and will direct operations. If you are not happy with this then do not request a lift out.

4. Lifts in and out and time spent in the compound are at the absolute discretion of the Compound Master.

5. Failure to abide by these rules will result in action taken against the owner, including the possibility of being refused a lift out on a future occasion. Lift Out

6. The compound crew will pressure wash the boat's hull on lift out.

Any additional cleaning measures (scraping, etc.) need to be carried out by the owner.

7. The owner is to be in attendance while the boat is being lifted.

While in Compound

8. The boat shall remain in the compound for the period agreed with the Compound Master. Owners are expected to stick to that period. An extension of time is sometimes required, but this must be agreed with the Compound Master beforehand and may incur an additional fee if the boat needs to be moved to allow others to leave.

9. The position of the boat in the compound is as specified by the Compound Master.

10. The boat will be supported using CYC stands. Owners are not allowed to use their own stands.

11. Owners are not allowed to use pressure washers on their boats in the compound. The over-spray could affect neighbouring boats.

12. No work is to be undertaken on a boat that could affect neighbouring boats, e.g.

sandblasting or grinding, without protective shielding. If in doubt, consult the Compound Master.

13. The boat space must be kept tidy and rubbish must not be allowed to accumulate.

14. Boat stands use ratchet straps, which must be protected and covered while painting and antifouling. Any paint found on the straps will require their replacement at the boat owner's expense.


15. Parking your car in the compound is only permitted while you are attending your boat. Please park considerately at all times.

16. Compound gates are to be left locked at all times, even when cars are parked in the compound.

17. No parking in the compound is permitted while boat moving operations are taking place.

Lift back

18. Compound fees must be paid in full before the boat is put back in the water.

19. Boat owners must clear the ground around their boat before the boat is put back in the

water. It is the owner's responsibility to leave their allocated space in a tidy condition.

20. It is the responsibility of the boat owner to return the boat stands to the correct place, as specified by the compound crew, once the boat goes in the water.

21. On the day of lift in, the owner must be in attendance at the correct time and have the boat ready to move, with ropes and fenders in place. On lifting into the water, the boat must be ready to move away under its own power. This will help prevent hold-ups and delays for other boats.

22. Owners must abide by the lift out times set by the Compound Master. The compound crew will do their best to keep to the schedule.


Last updated 13:39 on 7 December 2023

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